Providing Opportunity

What we do

At KTC, we believe that everyone deserves a latter of opportunity. In order to ensure that, we've created a system of loan structuring for members living in Third World nations. Each application is vetted and, if approved, a small, low interest loan is distributed. The average microfinance annual interest rate for Central America is 29%*. KTC's annual intrest rate range is between 3-5%.

Our interest rates are much lower than the average and our default rate is lower than the average. While our loans can be riskier, our goal is targeting the most impoverished communities, in order to foster a better relationship and further development with the community.




Loan Distribution by Borrower

Loan Distribution by Number of People in Household

Cumulative Number of Borrowers Over Time


Detailed above is the loan distribution for each borrower in Nicaragua. The average loan default rate in Central America is 5%, we are operating at 2.4%. 

Cumulative Number of Borrowers Over Time

Loan Distribution by Number of People in Household

Cumulative Number of Borrowers Over Time


Detailed above is Cumulative Number of Borrowers over time. Note that this graph includes both open and closed loans. Open loans are defined as any loans outstanding or in the process of disbursement. 

Loan Distribution by Number of People in Household

Loan Distribution by Number of People in Household

Loan Distribution by Number of People in Household


Above is the loan distribution by number of people per household. A large majority of our loans are distributed to people with more than 1 person in their household.